
These are the different programs used in TGfx.

The main program I use is Blender 3D, a piece of software maintained by the Blender Foundation, which is still under active development. I started using Blender 3D at version 2.42. Before that 3D Studio Max was my main software. I made that switch firstly because 3DSMax is much too expensive to have and maintain for a simple freelancer that is in the startup phase, but I soon learned that blender isn't just some cheap replacement that does the job halfway. Blender is more than capable of doing all of the tasks that are needed for a studio, both small and large. And with the integration of Python, is is very easily extendable to whatever needs you might have. (Link: http://www.blender.org)

The Gimp is another great software, it has a different workflow from Photoshop, but it is still a very powerful image editor. Also with the possibility to extend with making own plugins. (Link: http://www.gimp.org)

Krita 2.9 is another great painting and editing software that I have used. I haven't used it as much as Photoshop or Gimp, but I find myself using it more and more. (link: https://krita.org/)

MakeHuman is a great software for creating fast humanoid models for instant use in Blender. With several choices as to what kind of rigging you want to use. It also supports Blenders rigify right out of the box, which makes everything very simple and also very powerful. (Link: http://www.makehuman.org/)

The Adobe CC package is something I use every day. Premiere, AfterFX, and Photoshop especially. Not free, nor open source, but a very good collection of software indeed.

I've also used Unity a little and starting to use Unreal Engine 4. There are both offered for free and are brilliant real-time engines for 3D/2D authoring.

I started my 3D career using 3DSMax, working in a company called "Hitec Vision", after working there for several years doing both 3D for animations, and also modeling and texturing for real-time simulators, they disbanded the 3D-department. The people of this department ended up creating Tryllefilm A/S in Stavanger, and I worked there for several years before cutbacks had to happen and I left the company. Since then I've started TGfx, and worked for a time as a freelancer.


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